GBK Explained: What Does A Kids Jiu Jitsu Class Look Like?

Whether you’re contemplating bringing your child to a free trial, or are a parent of an existing GBK member wanting to learn more, you may wonder what a Jiu Jitsu class for kids looks like.

Naturally, every class will be different - which is great! How a class works will depend on who is attending, the topics that are covered and the age of the kids present. The main thing for us as coaches is that every child leaves having had a brilliant time and learnt something new. This might be from ‘Word of the Week’, where we discuss the importance of themes such as community or kindness, and what it means to each member. It may be the self defence element of the class, where children go through some key movements to build their confidence and self esteem, or it may be sport Jiu Jitsu, where kids get the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of our exciting and expansive martial art.

Regardless of our GB Kids’ favourite element of the class, our coaches are dedicated to maintaining a similar structure across all classes. We know that children respond well to knowing what to expect from each class, and being able to measure their own progress. 

This structure ensures the best development for each individual, maintains concentration levels, and means each and every child takes something away from the class. We are what we repeatedly do - and by utilising the GBK class structure, we work together with children to build great habits and self discipline.

GBK Class Structure

The Warm Up

Each coach and instructor uses the warm up as the perfect opportunity to build the energy and excitement of the class - be it races, games or stretching, our team keeps it fun to ensure everyone is engaged from start to finish. For this reason, it’s important that your child arrives on time and ready to train with the rest of the class.

Word of the Week

As mentioned, we always incorporate ‘Word of the Week’ into classes to allow our students to reflect on key themes. This is an essential part of the class for developing key characteristics such as self discipline, kindness, empathy and motivation. This is a highly interactive part of the class, with kids encouraged to offer their thoughts and examples of how they implement each word in their day to day lives outside of Jiu Jitsu.

Self Defence

A key part of each class for all age groups, the self defence portion of the class covers key anti bullying scenarios and focuses on building self confidence for each child. This is done from standing, so our GBK students can work on strike defence, throws and nullifying an opponent's aggression. 

Limited Striking

Although Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a non striking martial art, we introduce limited striking in our GBK programme from ages 7 and above, with the message that it should only be used in a self defence scenario. Striking is taught in a safe and controlled environment to maximise both enjoyment and safety. A key aim of classes is teaching children that the priority is to avoid conflict, and striking in particular should be avoided. Where possible, we will promote the use of Jiu Jitsu for self defence over striking, due to the consequences of striking another person.

Ages 3 to 6 will instead focus on key principles such as distance management, verbal communication and grappling defences, before progressing to limited striking from Little Champs 2 and onwards.

When conflict can’t be avoided, we want to encourage children to use the grappling techniques they’ve learned to control someone in a safe way.

Sport Jiu Jitsu

Finally, we move into Sport Jiu Jitsu. This is an excellent opportunity for each child to learn the key principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well as key positions such as mount, side control, taking the back and more. This is built upon as the 16 week curriculum progresses to ensure Jiu Jitsu knowledge is developed as effectively as possible.

Although we teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under sporting rules, the principles and techniques are still highly effective for self defence. Sport Jiu Jitsu also improves decision making ability when someone is pressuring you, whilst building fitness, coordination and confidence - all essential tools in self defence scenarios!

All in all, we’re dedicated to ensuring each session is fun, highly engaging and safe for each of our GB Kids. Whether this is in Tiny Champs (3 to 4 year olds), Little Champs 1 (5 to 6 year olds), Little Champs 2 (7 to 9 year olds) or Juniors (10 to 14 year olds). We deliver excellent coach to student ratios to maximise development and enjoyment, whilst our team is on hand to answer any questions and maintain the safety of each child participating.

Rolling and Live Training

After drilling our techniques, we move into ‘rolling’, also known as live training. This allows our students to practice the techniques they’ve just learnt with a little more resistance. This resistance not only encourages children to build their technical abilities, it also improves decision making as they look to overcome their opponent in a realistic setting.

Advanced GBK Classes

Our Advanced classes allow our members who have progressed through their age group curriculum to step up even further. This ensures each child’s progress is limitless, and they will be continued to be engaged and challenged before progressing to the next age group or in the case of juniors and teens, the adults programme.

Throughout every class, we want to instil a growth mindset and the importance of continuously learning and developing. Within this, we discuss the importance of failure, and learning from this rather than being afraid of it. This is a key element of Jiu Jitsu and an important message to take into other areas of life.

Interested in booking a free trial for your child? Get in touch today to get started - our team will be more than happy to help.


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