Stray Ferret Feature: Harrogate Brazilian jiu-jitsu school raises £4,000 in memory of former student

Check out our recent feature in The Stray Ferret, following our brilliant fundraising day in memory of our friend, student and training partner, Alastair Mackenzie.

A Brazilian jiu-jitsu school in Harrogate has raised more than £4,000 for local suicide prevention charity The Jordan Legacy.

Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defence organised a fundraising day in memory of former student Alastair Mackenzie, who took his life last year.

Those attending were invited to make donations to attend workshops by guest black belt instructors.

There was also a bake sale and a sale of second hand BJJ kit, and Steve Phillip, founder and director of The Jordan Legacy, gave a talk.

The event supported The Jordan Legacy because Alastair’s widow Tina has been working with the not-for-profit organisation, which aims to reduce suicides by providing support. It easily surpassed the £1,500 fundraising target.

Head instructor Lewis Matthews said the day aimed to bring people together and show the importance of having a team around you as well as raise money in memory of Alastair.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the world’s fastest growing sports and Gracie Barra Harrogate, which is based at The Zone on Hornbeam Park, now has about 300 members.

It is running a free women’s self-defence workshop on Sunday, June 25.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu combines grappling and ground work to control and restrain opponents, making it a perfect fit for self defence.

Registration for the two-hour workshop, which is expected to be followed by more similar events this year, is available here.

Check out the full feature here.


Our First Free Women's Self Defence Workshop: Complete!


Stray Ferret Feature: Brazilian jiu-jitsu Changed The Life of Harrogate Instructor Lewis Matthews