Top 5 Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for Kids

Thinking of enrolling your child in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes? There’s so many benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for both kids and adults, and we’re really proud of the fun and engaging age grade programmes we provide here at Gracie Barra Harrogate. Check out our top 5 benefits for BJJ for kids below:

Motor Skills and Coordination

With classes and programmes designed for children from the age of 3, motor skills and coordination development are a huge benefit of our classes. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu requires a significant amount of coordination and body awareness, and this is improved through regular training. 

We work on these elements from the warm up, incorporating exercises such as bear crawls and star jumps, and carry this through in our self defence section with carefully managed takedowns, and finally sport Jiu Jitsu - by exploring key positions and transitions.

Confidence Building

One of the most important and most rewarding benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for kids is the self confidence growth we and parents see as they progress through our GBK programme. This starts from our classes being set up in a way that children know what to expect from each class - we follow a set structure with experienced, approachable and friendly coaches where each child is encouraged to contribute in areas such as ‘Word of the Week’

From the use of attendance cards through to covering a repeating 16 week curriculum, children can easily measure their own progress, again building self confidence and increasing enjoyment. 

Self Defence

Going hand in hand with confidence building, a key part of each of our classes cover self defence scenarios. These scenarios start from standing, allowing our GBK students to learn strike defences, throws, and nullifying an opponent's aggression. 

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a non-striking martial art, however, we introduce limited and controlled striking for our GBK students from the age of 7, with the vital message that it should only be utilised in a self defence scenario. A key aim of our self defence tuition is ensuring children know that the priority of any confrontation is to avoid conflict, and striking in particular should be avoided. We will promote the use of Jiu Jitsu for self defence over striking when possible, due to the consequences of striking another person.

Self Discipline

Our classes encourage self discipline from the get go. Our GBK students are required to listen carefully to coach demonstrations, support their peers in their training and contribute in group discussions. Due to the technical nature of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there’s a huge opportunity for children to learn from failures, adapt and adopt a resilient attitude to self improvement. If a child wishes to compete, we work closely with them to achieve this, ensuring they feel prepared and supported throughout the progress, and maintain their self discipline. 

Physical Fitness

As children progress through the GBK curriculums and our age grade programmes, they see a noticeable improvement in their physical fitness. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offers a fantastic way of getting fit whilst having fun! From an exciting and engaging warm up through to intense specific training and live training for older children, there’s a huge amount of opportunity to let out energy and excitement in a safe and fun environment.
Whilst these are the top 5 benefits, there’s so many more and as a coaching team, we feel immense gratitude for the energy and effort we see our GBK students bring to our programmes. If Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sounds like something your child (or you!) might enjoy - why not book a free trial?


GB Harrogate Adults Newsletter - August 2024


GB Harrogate GBK July Newsletter