Gracie Barra Harrogate GBK Newsletter: June

Hi Everyone!

What a month May has been! It’s always great to see numbers on the mats stay strong over the warmer months and in half term holidays, and it’s even better when we see everyone working so hard to improve their Jiu Jitsu game!

We’ve seen excellent competition performances in May. We had the Yorkshire Open over at Barnsley with an excellent turn out for both kids and adults. A HUGE well done to the amazing Sofia, Evalyn, James, Sampson and Oliver - The coaching team are so proud of your progress and effort, and putting yourselves out there to compete!

A big well done to our fantastic Members of the Month for May as well! Estella, Julia, Sam and Robert - you’ve shown excellent consistency and determination and we’re really proud to have you as part of our academy.

Coming up this month, we’ve got a fantastic up and coming Jiu Jitsu star visiting the club - Sula-Mae Loewenthal! We’re super excited to have her here on Friday 21st August and can’t wait to see what she brings to both the kids and adult seminars. Tickets can be purchased here for the adults seminar, and here for the GBK seminar! She’s a fantastic coach down at GB Twickenham and it promises to be a fantastic session for GBK students over the age of 7 - don’t miss out!

The very next day, we’ve got a brave group of GB Harrogate women taking on Total Warrior in support of New Beginnings Peer Support. Please donate what you can for a really important service here in the Harrogate area - more details can be found below.

See you on the mats!

Team GB Harrogate

Sula-Mae Loewenthal Seminar - 21st June

We're really excited to be welcoming Sula-Mae Loewenthal to GB Harrogate on the 21st June for an unmissable seminar. For those that aren't aware of Sula's achievements, she is one of the brightest up and coming talents in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - ADCC 2024 Trials winner, No Gi world champion and No Gi European Champion, as just some of her achievements! 

On Friday 21st June, Sula will be hosting a fun packed GBK seminar (for kids ages 7 and above) at 5pm, before hosting an unmissable adults seminar at 6:30pm.

GBK Seminar tickets can be purchased here

Adult Seminar tickets can be purchased here

Come down and learn from a highly experienced coach from GB Twickenham on what promises to be a great night at the academy.

Members of the Month - May

A huge well done to the brilliant Estella, Robert, Julia and Sam! You’ve smashed your Jiu Jitsu training this month and have earned our Members of the Month trophies! You’ve shown hard work and perseverance, and after a lot of thought from our coaching team, you are our winners!

A big well done to all of our GBK members this month - you’ve been amazing and shown so much dedication to your training. The coaches are absolutely thrilled with the progress they’re seeing across all of our programmes!

Total Warrior for New Beginnings, Harrogate

A brave group of women from Gracie Barra Harrogate are taking on Total Warrior on the 22nd of June to support the New Beginnings Peer Support. Fundraising such as this is vital to New Beginnings, funding their efforts to be highly responsive to their client's needs. 

Whether that is covering travel expenses to enable a 1:1 meeting face to face or to get children to childcare in the summer holidays, the cost of a video doorbell for added security at child handovers or to cover overtime to enable peer mentors to attend advocacy meetings. Every little helps! 

Please support the amazing team at Gracie Barra Harrogate to support New Beginnings Peer Support by donating what you can here. You can select a predetermined amount or select £0.00 and alter to your chosen amount. Thank you


GB Harrogate Women Take On Total Warrior For New Beginnings


Gracie Barra Harrogate June Newsletter